2018年学术报告之八——CloudE-learning for Mechatronics: CLEM

作者:admin时间:2018-05-23 浏览:138

  CloudE-learning for Mechatronics: CLEM

主讲人 Kuo-Ming Chao




Kuo-Ming Chao obtained his MSc and PhD degrees fromSunderland University, UK in 1993 and 1997 respectively. From 1997, he workedat Engineering Design Centre in Newcastle-upon-Tyne University as researchassociate for more than 3 years before he joined Coventry University as seniorlecturer in 2000. Between 2007 and 2008, he joined British Telecom Research Labas a research fellow. His research interests include the areas of intelligentagents, service-oriented computing, cloud computing and big data etc. as wellas their applications such as energy efficiency management and greenmanufacturing etc.

He has over 200-refereed publications in books, journals,conference proceedings. He is a co-founder and managing editor ofService-Oriented Computing and Applications: A Springer Journal to promoteService-Oriented Computing. He is a member of editorial broad for severalinternational journals. In addition he is involved in a number of EU-fundedprojects as coordinator or work pack leader. He serves a few internationalconferences by taking different responsibilities such as general chair for10th-15th IEEE ICEBE, 2010 IEEE conference CEC, programme chair for 9th IEEEICEBE, IEEE 2009 CEC and 2005 CSCWD, Track Chair for IEEE 2010-2012 AINA andothers.
